1. Drama, “Rex’s Ex’s,” a comedy at the Pineapple Playhouse. The date is November 13th at 2:00 pm. It is a Sunday. Sunday is the only day they do matinees. The tickets are for specific seats. If we buy as many as ten tickets, the price is reduced from $20 to $18. The address of the theater is:

700 W Weatherbee Road

Fort Pierce, FL 34082

If you want to go, I need to know right away. I must have your money no later than our next meeting and sooner would be better. I will buy tickets in a block so we can be seated together. And matinee tickets go fast. Call me if you want to go. It is possible that I will need to buy them before out next meeting. You must call. 772 380 0116


  1. An afternoon at Vine and Barley. This is so much fun. If you haven’t come to one of these gatherings before, please try it this time. We will go to dinner at the West End Grill afterward, which is a few steps away. The date is December 6 (a Tuesday) from 3:00 to 5:00.

The address is:

1660 SW Saint Lucie West and the zip is 34086.


  1. I just got a call from Mr. Madden at PSLHS. He runs the drama department. They will present “Guys and Dolls” early next year. I have picked Saturday, February 4 as our day. It is a matinee starting at 2:00, and it might suit some members better who have a hard time getting to a Sunday matinee. Tickets cost $15—a real bargain. I also want to know asap if you want to go. And I need your money at the next meeting. Matinee tickets go fast. And all of his productions sell out.

I hope at least of these events interest you. I have several more events to discuss at our next meeting. But theater tickets need to be purchased very soon. I need to hear from you. 772 380 0116, Marguerite Saady