St. Lucie county Retired Educators Association
Ft. Pierce, Florida
November 15, 2018
General Minutes
The regular meeting was held at C.A. Moore Elementary Media Center with a Thanksgiving Luncheon. Meeting was called to order by President Joan McKinnon. Members were given a welcome.
Inspiration was given by Fannie Henderson
Minutes from October meeting were read silently and approved.
Treasurer’s report was approved and filed for audit.
Birthday celebrated for November was done by Fannie Henderson.
Entertainment: Bonita Williams invited Westwood Chorus for entertainment; a donation was given to the Chorus. They did a beautiful program about the things they were thankful for.
Christmas Gifts for the Communities Connected for Kids were given by members.
Bonita Williams is still taking names for the trips.
The surveys forms for the Social Activities was done, I did not get the count.
Lunch was served.
Meeting adjourned.
Books for the school C.A. Moore were labeled.
Fannie Henderson, Secretary
Joan McKinnon, President