On November 4 we will meet at the Aquarium located on the east end of the South Bridge at 10:00. After enjoying the aquarium we will go for lunch at the Manatee Grill (once was Mangrove Mattie’s). We will complete the day by returning to the Saint Lucie Historical Museum, located next to the aquarium. Tickets for both the Aquarium and the Museum will be $5.00 total.
Category: Events
Update for Mount Dora Trip
On October 24, we will join Martin County Retired Educators Association for a trip to Mount Dora to the Arts and Craft Show. The cost is $40 and includes the bus trip to and from Mount Dora. The bus will pick us up at Home Depot on Okeechobee Road in Fort Pierce at 7:15 a.m. We will return between 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Checks are to be made out to MCREA or cash may be used. Payment must be made to Norma McGuire by 10/16.
New Members for SLCREA
September 24, 2015 Meeting
Saint Lucie County Retired Educators Association met on Thursday, September 24 at The Crossings Church. This was a pot-luck lunch. Member, guests and new members enjoyed reuniting with friends after a summer with no meetings.
Presentations by representatives from Devereux and Big Brother/Big Sister were heard before a great lunch.
SLCREA/Mount Dora Arts and Craft Show
Martin County Retired Educators Association has invited us to join them on a bus trip to Mount Dora Saturday, October 24, 2015. I will have a sign up sheet at the meeting Thursday. Cathy did not know cost at this time. Martin County will secure the bus and let us know more details. I just need names of those who would be interested in going to Mount Dora Arts and Craft Show.
Fall District IX Workshop
The Fall District IX Workshop is scheduled for October 8, 2015. This workshop will be held in Lake Placid from 8:30 a.m. – 1:00 pm. Registration is $16.00; make check payable to SLCREA.
September 14th Meeting Agenda
SLCREA September meeting will begin at 11:30 on 9/14/2015.
Call to Order Norma McGuire, President
Reading of Minutes Fannie Henderson, Secretary
Treasurer’s Report Pat Davis, Treasurer
New Business:
Directory Norma McGuire
SLCREA official website launches on August 17, 2015
Welcome to the new official website for the St. Lucie County Retired Educators Association.
FREA 2016 Convention
Details and contact information:
Cruise Professional is Char Corso of Cruise Planners, an American Express representative.
Char Corso—Cruise Planners Phone: 727-934-6321 ccorso@cruiseplanners.com
Please DO NOT call the FREA Office for pricing or cruise details. We will just refer you to Char, she is the Cruise Professional!