November Meeting

Our November meeting will be a Thanksgiving luncheon on November 21st. We will meet at 11:00 am at CA Moore Elementary. Please bring Children’s books, new or slightly used, to be donated to CA Moore Elementary. Also bring unwrapped Christmas gifts for Communities Connect to Kids. If you have collected bottle caps, they will be accepted by Felicia Bruce at the meeting.

Keep in mind the Holiday Luncheon on Friday, December 6th at 11:00 am. We will be meeting at Gator Trace County Club.

SLCREA October Meeting

A general meeting will be held on Thursday, October 31, 2019. It will be a “bring your own bag lunch — just like grammar school”. 11:00 a.m. Bring guests.

Mt. Pleasant Primitive Baptist Church, 2100 Avenue K. 772-461-7589.

Corner of 21st and Avenue K, behind Lincoln Park Academy.

Please bring books for C. A. Moore Elementary School.

Volunteer of the Year

This year’s Saint Lucie County Retired Educator Volunteer of the year is Cliff Burgner. He had over 900 volunteer hours. Cliff volunteers weekly in a kitchen that provides meals for those in need and he has been a part of the health system for over 12 years. Driven by his passion, caring and desire to serve others, Cliff volunteers at two very important places: the health field and feeding those in need. Of great significance is his dependability as he often fills in and substitutes at a minute’s notice. It was stated that he is fully committed to the job and will stay until it is finished. Cliff’s amiable personality and great smile are a perfect fit for his service areas. Congratulation!

District 9 Fall Workshop

Reminder: the District 9 Fall Workshop is to be held this Thursday, October 24, 2019. The Okeechobee Unit will be hosting. The workshop will be from 8:00am to 1:30pm and will be held at the Indian River State College Dixie Hendry Campus. (2229 NW 9th Ave., Okeechobee, FL. A continental breakfast and catered luncheon will be served.

Information and questions: contact Joan McKinnon @ 772-971-1341

2018 – 2019 General Meeting Calendar

General Membership Meetings 11:00 AM

September 20th
Covered Dish Luncheon
Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church

October 11th
Fall District IV Workshop
Vero Beach
Cost $20.00 paid in advance

October 25th
Covered Dish Luncheon
PSL 1st Baptist Church

November 15th
Thanksgiving Luncheon
CA Moore Elementary
Cost: TBA

November 18th
Florida Retired Educators Day
Information: TBA

December 7th (Friday)
Holiday Luncheon
Gator Trace Golf Club
Cost: $20.00 paid in advance

January 21st (Monday)
MLK Parade
Information: TBA

January 24th
Lunch prepared by Culinary Students at Ft Pierce Central
Cost: $12.00

February 28th
Black History Month lunch prepared by Culinary Students at Westwood
Cost : TBA

February 22 -March 3
St Lucie County Fair

March 25th
SLC Retirement Seminar
Location: TBA

March 28th
Lunch prepared by Culinary Students at Centennial HS
Cost: $12.00

April 25th
Heathcote Gardens
Bring your own lunch
Cost: $6.00 entry to Gardens

May 16th
We are planning something different !!!!

May 22-24th
2019 FREA State Convention
Daytona Beach at the Plaza Resort and Spa

Bring a Retired Educators to join SLCREA and volunteer to help

2018 District 9 Fall Workshop

2018 District 9 Fall Workshop

Indian River Estates
2250 Indian Creek Blvd.
Vero Beach, FL 34966

Registration and Breakfast: 8:00 am – 8:45 am
Program and lunch: 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM

Registration fee $20.00
Send to Pat Rivers Davis
5571 NW Scepter Drive
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34983

Make check payable to SLCREA


Directions: Indian River Estates
Indian River Estates Retirement Community is on North side of Route 60, 2.2 miles East of I-95

Bonita Williams is District 9 Volunteer of the Year

SLCREA member, Bonita Williams, was honored as Florida Retired Educators Association Volunteer of the year and District 9 Volunteer of the year at the FREA award ceremony on May 26.

Congratulations Bonita Williams

Bonita devoted 1930 volunteer hours. She serves in three school, mentors a group of girls, tutors students in math, and assists with coaching a girls’ track team. She is also dedicated to her church, clubs and civic duties. Bonita sponsors and chaperones various youth groups, devotes hours to Florida A&M University Alumni Organization. the Quettes, and AKA Sorority where she is the Baselius.

In addition, Bonita has recruited the most members for SLCREA for 2016 and continues working on 2017.

Bonita is an inspiration or all of us.  Thanks, Bonita, for all that you do for our community and SLCREA.

SLCREA May Meeting



The May meeting of the Saint Lucie County Retired Educators Association will be held on Thursday, May 18, 2017. This is a General Membership Meeting and all SLCREA members are invited and encouraged to attend.

The meeting will be a covered dish luncheon at The Crossing Church at 11:30 a.m.

There will be several guests: Representative Larry Lee, our two Scholarship recipients and their families, and our 5th Grade Essay Contest winner and her family.

We will also have door prizes. (if you have small items you would like to have re-gifted, bring it in a small bag to be used as door prizes)

Remember your dues for next year. $55 includes state and local dues as well as local scholarship.

Please attend and support out local students.