SLCREA January 26th Meeting

The January meeting for the SLCREA will be held at the Cobra Cafe at Fort Pierce Central High School. Our lunch will be prepared by the Culinary Arts Students. Note that the time is different than usual; we will be meeting at 11:00am.

Fort Pierce Central High School: 4101 S 25th Street in Fort Pierce. Drive to the back of the school to park. There you will see an entrance marked “Cobra Cafe”. Walk through the hall and through the doors to the courtyard. The cafe will be on the left.

Lunch will be $10.00 + tip for the students.

To make or cancel a reservation please contact:

Joan McClenny – 772-529-1748, or email

Retired Teachers to be Recognized

The SLC School Board will recognize Retired Educators on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2016, at 5:00 am, at the School Board office. This is in acknowledgement of Gov. Scott’s Proclamation regarding Florida Retired Educators Day. We would like to have our SLC REA members there. It will only take a few minutes. Wear your blue polo shirt. Thank you “Olivia Watkins” for setting this up for us.

Joan McClenny and Executive Board

October SLCREA Meeting

SLC Retired Educators Association
October General Meeting
October 27, 2016
11:30 a.m.
The Crossing Church
5200 Oleander Ave.
Ft. Pierce

The Church is located across from the tennis courts at White City Elementary. Follow the driveway to the far back. We meet in the “Pavilion Building”

BRING A SALAD TO SHARE; vegetable, fruit, meat, pasta, etc

GUEST SPEAKER; Mr. Marcus Dixon from the Multicultural Resource Center

REMINDER: Dues $ 55.00 for the 2016-2017 year
Books for Parkway- new or gently used
Caps for Love — plastic without paper inside


Hope to see you there
Joan McClenny, President
772-529-1748 or

FREA Fall Leadership Forum – Reminder

This will be the last reminder about the fall workshop.

Where: North Stuart Baptist Church
When: Thursday September 22…8:00 AM to 1:00PM
Cost: $16.00

Included in the cost of the workshop: continental breakfast, lunch, and leadership  training and sharing

We must have commitment by September 7 so that the Stuart unit can plan.

If you are planning to go the the workshop, RSVP to Nancy Hosie by September 7th at or 772-418-9242


FREA District 9 Leadership Forum

The 2016 FREA District 9 Leadership Forum is designed to inform and support both current and potential leaders who are involved with the Florida Retired Educators Association.

Date: September 22, 2016Time: 8:30 a. m. – 2:00 p. m.                                                     Place: North Stuart Baptist Church, 1950 N.W. Federal Hwy.                                                     Stuart, FL 34994

Cost: $16.00 (includes continental breakfast and lunch)

Make checks payable to SLCREA by September 7, 2016.      Send checks to: Nancy Hosie 542 NW La Brea Ave. Port Saint Lucie, Florida 34983

2016 -2017 Meeting Dates

September 15: Covered Dish Luncheon – The Crossings Church

September 22: Fall district IX Workshop in Stuart – 8:30 – 1:00

October 27:  Salad Luncheon – The Crossings Church

November 17: Thanksgiving Luncheon – Parkway Elementary

December 2: Holiday Luncheon – Gator Trace Country Club

January 26: Cobra Cafe at Fort Pierce Central High School

February 23: Granny’s Kitchen

March 20: Retirement Seminar

March 23: Centennial High School

April 27: Bring your lunch – Savanna Preserve State Park

May18: Covered Dish Luncheon – The Crossings Church

(The Crossings Church is located at 5200 Oleander Ave., Fort Pierce, FL.  From U.S. 1 turn west on Midway Road, at first traffic light turn south. The Crossings Church is located across from the tennis courts at White City Elementary School. Follow driveway to the far back to “The Pavillion Building”)

Reminder for SLCREA Membership

A reminder is given for all members of the SLCREA that dues for the 2016-2017 year are now being collected.

Dues include:

$35.00 – State

$10.00 – Local

$10.00 – Scholarship

$55.00 – Total

This year our organization grew to over 100 members. We are looking to increase that number this year. Please mention SLCREA to retired educators that you may know.

Make check payable to SLCREA and mail to:
Pat Davis
5571 NW Scepter Drive
Port St Lucie, Fl 34982

Installation of New Officers for 2016-2018



Representing Larry Lee joined the SLCREA for the luncheon meeting on May 26th. During this meeting he conducted the installation of the officers for  2016/2017:
President – Joan McClenny
President Elect – Joan McKinnon
Secretary – Fannie Henderson
Treasure – Pat Davis

As part of his official duties, Representative Larry Lee presenting Past President, Norma McGuire, with “the marbles” she lost during her presidency.